What is BrumPHP?

Powered by Jump24, BrumPHP meetups are designed to bring the community together, to discuss and learn developer life and share thoughts and ideas about Symfony, Laravel, developer culture, and of course, Birmingham.

Photo of the Birmingham Bull

Previous speakers

James Brooks

Laravel Core Team Member

Joe Dixon

Laravel Core Team Member

Ryan Lee

PHP Developer at Bluetel

Ciaran McNulty

Trainer, coach & director at Crania Ltd

Derick Rethans

PHP internals expert and author of Xdebug

James Seconde

PHP Developer Advocate, Vonage

Christopher Miller

Head of IT and Development - The School Of Code

Thank you


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A bit about us...

BrumPHP is brought to you by Jump24, a team of technology specialists with a passion for community and innovation. If you want to find out more about what we do, check out our blog posts.

Want to get involved?

We’re always on the lookout for speakers for our upcoming events, so if you’re interested, or would like to recommend someone, drop your details here, send us an email to hello@brumphp.co.uk or get in touch via direct message on Twitter.

Follow us and tag us in your Tweets and pictures using #BrumPHP

Sponsor opportunities

If you would like to become a sponsor please download our sponsor pack for details. We‘d love to have you on board.

Join us on social media

We like to promote other tech events around the Midlands through our social media accounts. We love to chat about what’s going on in the community.

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Principal Engineer / CTO ByteHire

Paul Dragoonis

My name is Paul, and I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. I'm an open-source contributor, public speaker, trainer, and consultant by trade. I'm a member of the CD Foundation, PHP, PHP-FIG, and Jenkins projects/teams. In my career, I've held positions such as Director of Engineering, CTO, Principal Engineer/Architect, and so on. I've spent many years modernizing CI/CD pipelines and embedding continuous delivery processes and solutions into businesses. I enjoy sharing my experience in the space with the wider community by way of private training or conference speaking.

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Joe Dixon

Joe is one of the Laravel core team member where he predominantly works on Vapor, finding creative ways of using serverless technology to solve problems. He is also a co-maintainer of the Laravel Community Portal, Laravel.io.

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Trainer, coach & director at Crania Ltd

Ciaran McNulty

Ciaran coaches, trains and works with teams to deliver valuable software effectively at Crania Ltd.

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PHP internals expert and author of Xdebug

Derick Rethans

A PHP internals expert and author of Xdebug, Derick works as an independent contractor and consultant on PHP extensions and related projects.

Working for the PHP Foundation, Derick continues to contribute to the PHP project in numerous forms (Date/Time Extension, Xdebug, PHP 4.4/7.4 Release Manager and more). He is a frequent lecturer at conferences, the author of php|architect's Guide to Date and Time Programming, and the co-author of PHP 5 Power Programming. Derick is also the host of the weekly-ish PHP Internals News podcast.

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PHP Developer Advocate, Vonage

James Seconde

A trained actor with a curious background: from theatre studies, to Q/A, to business intelligence development, to full stack web development, James is the resident specialist PHP Developer Advocate at global cloud communications giant, Vonage. He's helped keep BrumPHP alive over the years and is on the Fusion Meetup team.

A mentor and writer, James regularly speaks about PHP, Javascript, DevOps, DevRel and tech culture and previously compèred Brum Tech Tapas, Jump24’s own Birmingham-based culture and community event.

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Christopher Miller

Christopher remembers getting his first level introduction to computing in 1985, at around age three. His dad came home from work one day with a box – containing a soldering iron, a book and some computer bits and bobs. They sat at a table together and built a ZX Spectrum 48k computer.

Today, Christopher is Head of IT and Development for The School Of Code, teaching people how to code from nothing to full stack developer in 16 weeks. When he’s not coding, He is often found preparing his next talk, learning about the next new technology, or mentoring newcomers to the technology scene.